LABORATORYTesting methodology

Stringent quality control ensures highly accurate results

High quality control standards

As a CLIA-certified lab, Valley Medical Laboratory is required to maintain the highest level of quality control standards throughout the testing process. Our focus on the quality of the entire specimen accessioning, handling, and analysis process include regular reviews of personnel performance procedure effectiveness. Our laboratory management and staff insist on meeting or exceeding industry standards and requirements to ensure the most accurate results for our patients and partners.

Industry-standard testing practices

To ensure the most accurate and reliable results, Valley Medical Laboratory has implemented testing practices that meet or exceed all industry standards. These practices include:

• Use of state-of-the-art equipment
• Rigorous proficiency testing
• Regular audits of lab activities
• Adjusting test results for creatinine levels
• Complete chain of custody through the lab
• Detailed toxicology reporting
• Easy access to results via our online partner portal

Robotic automation

At Valley Medical Laboratory we use the latest robotic technology to automate sample aliquoting and management. Our state-of-the-art automation hardware reads pre-printed barcodes on transport tubes to avoid common human errors. This system can handle hundreds of samples per hour, ensuring that we have the capacity to accurately handle the workload from all of our growing number of treatment center partners.
vial with clear drug solution and a syringe

Leading innovation in the drug testing industry

Valley Medical Laboratory is a leader in fighting substance abuse. Our innovative vTOX® urine drug testing uses cutting-edge DNA technology to validate samples and eliminate the need for viewed urine collection. And our use of creatinine standardization provides more accurate results than standard toxicology testing.

More recently, we added xylazine, the dangerous new "zombie" drug, to our standard test banks so our partners can keep pace with new drugs that may be used by their clients. Valley Medical continues to innovate in the field of toxicology testing, ensuring the best possible treatment for our patients and our partners' clients.

Participant in NFLIS-Tox program

Valley Medical Laboratory is a proud participant in the DEA's NFLIS-Tox program. The National Forensic Laboratory Information System (NFLIS) was created to identify trends in drug use by the public and tracks the use of both controlled and noncontrolled substances across the United States.

We are one of just 200 toxicology laboratories in the country that share data about drug use in our area with the NFLIS program. This helps our community and communities across the U.S. better understand substance abuse patterns and more effectively fight the continuing drug addiction problem.